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POCS 类型插件

POCS 类型插件用来自定义在系统初始化时候加载 PoC 脚本的功能,例如从 redis 或数据库加载 PoC 脚本代码。

from pocsuite3.api import PluginBase
from pocsuite3.api import PLUGIN_TYPE
from pocsuite3.api import logger
from pocsuite3.api import register_plugin

class TargetPluginDemo(PluginBase):
    category = PLUGIN_TYPE.POCS

    def init(self):
        pocs = [POC_CODE_1, POC_CODE_2]  # load PoC code from redis, database ...
        count = 0
            for poc in pocs:
                if poc and self.add_poc(poc):
                    count += 1

        info_msg = "[PLUGIN] get {0} poc(s) from demo".format(count)


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